Client Story: Leigh Bornstein
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Leigh Bornstein is an Intrapreneur within a tech start up of a large multi-national, who went from overwhelmed and overworked to productive, happy and more and more successful in business.
Here’s her story.
The Catalyst
As a business we were in the early stages of growth, specifically getting people to know our brand was key. I knew improving brand recognition and brand awareness to attract potential clients and customers was critical. I was trying to solve big challenges like:
- How do you make the customer feel that you are experienced enough?
- How do you show them you have enough knowledge?
Because obviously it’s a risk, especially when you’re talking about technology, the software you’re demoing is at MVP stage. So you’re demoing your minimum viable product and it’s not quite there, so you’re trying to show them the potential of where you can be and trying to bring them along the journey with you.
On top of that, there’s no defined roles in a startup. So everybody’s doing everything. We are all trying to understand our roles and responsibilities, who’s doing what, because at that early stage, everybody just needs to do what needs to get done.
When I decided to get a coach, I was overwhelmed with everything going on and really struggling to say no to things and carve time out for myself.
The Experience
Caroline helped me to realign my goals and focus on the things that really matter. We tackled a number of facets: career, personal health and well being.
We dove deep into marketing, digital marketing, and branding for our business. Caroline really helped me to focus on communication and the critical key messages, looking at things from a customer point of view to earn trust and build credibility.
What stood out for me was that I was building my sales strength. Especially, when Caroline guided me through the various types of communication that you do to potential customers; how you communicate with them to move them from cold prospect to client. I’ve definitely learned to improve on those skills and that’s become a strength of mine that wasn’t necessarily before.
I’ve learnt how to prioritize my day and my life in general, developed my business mindset and become more and more successful. The improvement in my time management was huge, I can now accomplish tasks quicker without distractions and I’m able to carve more time out for myself so I’m less stressed and happier.
My expectations were not just met, they were exceeded because I not only had a coach that could help me ingrain things going forward but definitely came out having a friend and a confidant as well.
The Breakthrough
I’m getting a lot done now.
Immediately I saw the benefits from our coaching sessions; I learned a lot but the best part was that I’ve been able to apply what I learned effectively and see real results.
Everything we covered propelled me and helped move the needle forward.
For example, I struggled with goal setting. Now I’m able to actively look at the goals that I want to achieve, focus on going forward into the future with clarity on what I actually want to achieve and how I can do it.
Caroline continually helped me reflect and realize that you need to celebrate your wins in order to go forward and feel positive. That was a big one for me.
Fast forward to today, I’ve got clarity on my strengths and I’ve defined my role. I’m now the Chief Experience Officer of uFlexReward and we are scaling.
If you’re trying to look for a shift in your personal life and make breakthroughs in your career or trying to make your life happier and more well balanced, I’d say go for it, it’s been an amazing experience.