Running a business like a well oiled machine to have more joy-filled days: Success Stories
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Chloe Markham is the owner and founder of The Yoga Revolution, a full-service, online yoga studio. Chloe’s transformed from a serious workaholic with zero direction to a confident entrepreneur that is scaling with clarity, focus and a light heart.
Here’s her story.
The Catalyst
Before I started working with Caroline, I struggled to take time off and I really didn’t know how to manage my time. It felt like I had my head in the weeds, my busy brain was overloaded with all the day-to-day running of my business.
It had all become heavy. I was so deep in the problems I felt like I had gone underground and I couldn’t find the light.
I knew I needed to get clarity on my business goals. I had to improve my time management and up-level my thinking if I wanted to be the best pilot for my rocket ship.
The Experience
It’s been awesome. Caroline’s a total boss.
You might not expect it from such a warm, bubbly and outgoing exterior. But when you get down to it, there’s no fluff, no pandering to emotions.
Every time we meet, she guides me in ways I don’t expect, she is firm with me when I need it, and gives me a whole host of tools and know-how to move forward with clarity and focus.
We started working together weekly and then moved to monthly sessions to keep me on track and we’ve covered SO much together.
Pricing is a big one. Pricing my time, my skills set and everything I produce.
Platforms was another really interesting one. Caroline’s helped me be objective and simplify the complex decisions and make tough decisions with confidence.
Throughout our work together we’ve unpacked little pockets of loveliness for my community and membership. I can honestly say Caroline has helped me in the following areas: financial planning and forecasting, sales and marketing including lead generation, marketing funnels and sales conversations that move my audience from awareness to loving TYR. I’ve learnt how to value-stack, create nurture sequences, we’ve blitzed systems and automations which have turbocharged my productivity, and my organisation levels have gone through the roof.
Everything we have worked on has helped to increase my profitability, which means my business has not just stayed alive but I can now work the hours I want.
Caroline’s helped me realise the best way I can run my business is with more simplicity and more joy. I fell back in love with it and I now have it set-up to stay that way.
The Breakthrough
One of the biggest limiting factors in my business was the interweaving of my personal and business life and the stress between the two. Caroline has shown me time and time again that it’s mindset that holds us back. Inspiration and motivation comes from taking time for you.
Caroline helped me set up a personalised routine that I saw the benefits from within a week. It was bigger than wow, this was huge! I found I could deal with so much more and everything shifted to feeling easier and more natural. I had better ideas, more good days, and more good hours than ever before.
I wasn’t really expecting to get so clear on the fluff that fills my business hat, but what an outcome. Caroline has given me the focus and the ability to take bigger steps than I ever thought possible. With her support, I’ve negotiated and maximised opportunities that have seen 40+ people in a class with prices that match my level of experience and worth.
Also, I knew it all before, and I’ve been told it all before, but to have a proper let’s-send-your-business-into-outer-space coach tell me to PRIORITISE MY SELF-CARE.
Well, it feels groundbreaking.
Apologies to the people closest to me for not listening to them for years.
I now feel like I got this. Way way more than I did before.
If you’re thinking about it, just stop. Jump in. Trust her. You won’t regret it.