The curse of the Covid hangover and how to stay motivated #S3EP4 Kate Bradley Chernis
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Snippets of Genius is a lighthearted business podcast with some brilliant insights into how you can burst opportunities wide open.
In each episode GENIUS guests from high performing companies share the ballsy, daring moves they made to cultivate and achieve success.
Join Caroline Kay for a good old chit chat on how to define and develop anything you want in your career, business and life!
Covid has been hard on teams and leaders. There is no escaping it.
In this episode Kate shares how her leadership has been tested; her saviours, motivators and strategies to combat the Covid Hangover.
We jump back in to our conversation, where Kate has asked the women VC’s who approached her, to prove they are the right fit for her and her company.
Tune in and you will learn:
*Who you don’t want in your company at any cost
*What to do when you find yourself caught in a lie.
*The strategies to start early to enable your business to thrive
*3 motivators that support Kate to keep going
*Where to find inspiration every single day
Hang on to end for my key takeaways, which include: what you can consider and action now to help your business connect, inspire and grow.
Join the conversation over in the Snippets of Genius Facebook Group or drop me a DM with your biggest takeaway and your next step.
Listen to the full mini-series here: www.carolinekay.co/podcast
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Covid has been hard on teams and leaders. There is no escaping it. In this episode Kate shares how her leadership has been tested; her saviours, motivators and strategies to combat the Covid Hangover.
We jump back in to our conversation, where Kate has asked the women VC’s who approached her, to prove they are the right fit for her and her company.
Tune in and you will learn:
- Who you don’t want in your company at any cost
- What to do when you find yourself caught in a lie.
- How coaching has impacted Kate’s business.
- The strategies to start early to enable your business to thrive
- 3 key motivators to stay the course
- Where to find inspiration every single day
Hang on to end for my key takeaways, which include: what you can consider and action now to help your business connect, inspire and grow.
Join the conversation over in the Snippets of Genius Facebook Group or drop me a DM with your biggest takeaway and your next step.
Listen to the full mini-series:

Snippets of Genius is a lighthearted business podcast with some brilliant insights into how you can burst opportunities wide open.
In each episode GENIUS guests from high performing companies share the ballsy, daring moves they made to cultivate and achieve success.
Join Caroline Kay for a good old chit chat on how to define and develop anything you want in your career, business and life!
How much do you think you’ll change over the next 10 years? How much to think you have changed in the last decade? What do you predict will happen? Can you imagine?
Imagining your own is hard, Kate’s is unbelievable! This could be an epic movie, a binge worthy TV series.. Kate even jokes the book will be good.
Introducing the first of three roller-coaster snippets, here’s a glimpse of what’s in this episode:
*Truly unfair life events have taken their toll to the point she couldn’t see her way out.
*The lawless world of Radio; what seemed a glamorous career on the surface and the dark reality underneath.
*The moment Kate lost the ability to use her hands and any keyboard ever again and what she did next.
*An unusual job requires usual talents and family support that helped pave the way for her first agency and now business Lately.ai.
Kate shares the secrets to her success and the catalysts that changed her world and created her future self that we know today.
Tune in and learn:
*Why you need to be open to the change and the catalysts to watch out for
*Why having a glass half empty can be useful for CEO
*The power of your gut and why you must listen
*Why you must doll your asks out carefully as a leader
*How you can turn around your life and the lives of those closest to you with small changes
*The negative talk that’s keeping you stuck
*The secret to earning the salary you always wanted
Tune in for the second part of Kate’s entrepreneurial journey next week where the roller-coaster takes a turn and goes up…followed very fast by another pull back down.
In the meantime, come over to the Snippets of Genius Facebook Group to ask questions, get training and feedback on all the hot topics covered in these episodes. www.facebook.com/groups/snippetsofgenius
Connect with Kate:
Book references:
The Art of the Start: The Time-Tested, Battle-Hardened Guide for Anyone Starting Anything Hardcover –
by Guy Kawasaki
Kitchen Confidential Updated Edition: Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly
by Anthony Bourdain
The Secret Hardcover
by Rhonda Byrne
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Snippets of Genius is a lighthearted business podcast with some brilliant insights into how you can burst opportunities wide open.
In each episode GENIUS guests from high performing companies share the ballsy, daring moves they made to cultivate and achieve success.
Join Caroline Kay for a good old chit chat on how to define and develop anything you want in your career, business and life!
Welcome back for the second installment in this mini series of Kate Bradley Chernis’ entrepreneurial journey. In this episode we peak behind the veneer of a business on the up, winning portfolio work, and entering into spaces most tech start ups only dream of, to discover the harsh reality of playing the venture game.
We start with the unusual thinking Kate delivered for the American retail giant, Walmart. How her genius sparked the imagination of, her now co-founder, Steve and catapulted her into the ring with all manner of investors.
From the moment she stepped in to the pitch contests Kate openly shares her struggles and the pitfalls you need to watch out for.
We dive into:
- How a 98% sales Conversion and 240% Growth in a global pandemic can equate to no money in the bank.
- How Kate’s tenacity has secured her place working with the biggest names in the industry, including Jason Calacanis, legendary Silicon Valley angel investor’s accelerator and the world leading marketing expert Gary V, but her company still had no money.
All this plus the juicy insider knowledge you need to know if you want to survive…anything the world throws at you.
Tune in and learn
- The signs that you’re not being taking seriously by investors
- Kate’s definition of the golden ticket.
- How Kate’s team response to Covid
- Why Kate thinks women VC’s are worse than men and why.
- The stages of raising and the jargon you’ll need to learn:
- Product market fit
- Go to market fit
- Growth in moat – crossing the chasm
- Term sheets
- The money dance
We are back next week with the final part of Kate’s roller coaster ride to learn her biggest challenges to date plus how the story ends with the women investors.
Missed last week’s episode, skip back to it here.
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Snippets of Genius is a lighthearted business podcast with some brilliant insights into how you can burst opportunities wide open.
In each episode GENIUS guests from high performing companies share the ballsy, daring moves they made to cultivate and achieve success.
Join Caroline Kay for a good old chit chat on how to define and develop anything you want in your career, business and life!
Covid has been hard on teams and leaders. There is no escaping it.
In this episode Kate shares how her leadership has been tested; her saviours, motivators and strategies to combat the Covid Hangover.
We jump back in to our conversation, where Kate has asked the women VC’s who approached her, to prove they are the right fit for her and her company.
Tune in and you will learn:
*Who you don’t want in your company at any cost
*What to do when you find yourself caught in a lie.
*The strategies to start early to enable your business to thrive
*3 motivators that support Kate to keep going
*Where to find inspiration every single day
Hang on to end for my key takeaways, which include: what you can consider and action now to help your business connect, inspire and grow.
Join the conversation over in the Snippets of Genius Facebook Group or drop me a DM with your biggest takeaway and your next step.
Listen to the full mini-series here: www.carolinekay.co/podcast
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To your success!